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Residential Interior Design Service

Interior Design Service

We all enjoy a harmonized and welcoming home where we can be relaxed and built our lives.
Bubble 66 offers private interior design service where we help you to find your style and refresh your home.

If you are ready to make indulging changes in your home or maybe moving into a new place we can help you to get that space look stunning.

  • Verbal Consultation: We will walk trough your home and give you suggestions of improvements for parts or your home or your entire home. Maybe you want to make a new stunning bathroom or kitchen or just need some help to get a gorgeous and harmonized look.

  • Written Consultation: We will walk trough your home and them send you a personalized written report with suggestions of improvements for your the changes of your home. 

  • Hands on Consultation: This means that we will take care of the interior design styling in total and execute all the changes necessary: We will visit your home and then give you a quote of the cost. ​

Home Staging Service

Modern Interior
We create a clean, spacious and inviting look that will attract potential buyers.
By reworking the placement of your furniture and accessories, we can maximize your living space and make it look harmonious and well-balanced for a fast sell and with maximum profit.
Small improvements make a huge difference.

Bubble 66 will provide all its clients with a written general action list with suggestions of improvements to speed up and maximize the sale. ​

  • Verbal Consultation: We will walk trough your home and give you suggestions of improvements for your entire home. This will take between1-2h. 

  • Written Consultation: We will walk trough your home and them send you a personalized written report with suggestions of improvements for your entire home. 

  • Hands on Consultation: This means that we will take care of the Home Staging in total and execute all the changes necessary: rearrange, declutter and organize. We will visit your home and then give you a quote for the cost. 

  • Renting Accessories: We can as well if needed provide you with accessories etc. during the open house to create an inviting look that will attract the buyers. We will give you a quote for the cost of the rental of the items.




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